Upcoming Events
Past Events
EPNA workshop “Tackling Online Antisemitism, Fake News, and Online Radicalization,” Belgrade [Serbia]
Annual ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Contemporary Antisemitism Studies, Oxford [UK]
Matthias J. Becker: Antisemitism Post-October 7th – Insights from Social Media Studies.
Conference: “Israel and Israel Studies: The European and International Perspective”, Prague [Czech Republic]
Matthias J. Becker: Linguistic and Multimodal Analysis of Online Discourse: Glorification of Antisemitic Violence on 7 October.
Conference: Gesellschaft für Christlich-Jüdische Zusammenarbeit – “Judenhass im Netz” (in German), Bonn [Germany]
Conference: “Zwischen ‘Israelkritik’ und Judenfeindschaft – Sekundärer Antisemitismus” (in German), Frankfurt a. M. [Germany]
Symposium to Combat Online Antisemitism, Washington DC [United States]
Workshop: Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten e. V. (AdB) and Platform “Politisch Bilden” (in German), Berlin [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker: Workshop on implicit antisemitic hate speech for RespectCoaches
EU-Israel High-Level Seminar on combating racism, xenophobia and antisemitism, Brussels [Belgium]
EPNA workshop “Antisemitism: Denial, Distortion, Disguise: Mobilizing Civil Society for Resistance,” Budapest [Hungary]
Matthias J. Becker will present the DA project and a new research initiative on deepfakes.
Holocaust education roundtable meeting, London [UK]
Matthew Bolton: Presentation of the Decoding Antisemitism Project.
Vanier College Symposium on the Holocaust and Genocide
Matthias J. Becker will present the most recent results of the DA project, ‘Analysing online antisemitism after October 7’.
Jews talk Justice Laboratory for Influencers, Tel Aviv [Israel]
Matthias J. Becker will present recent findings of the DA project.
Event with UK Lawyers for Israel, webinar series, London [UK]
Matthew Bolton, presentation of Discourse Report 6, online event.
Analysing antisemitism after 7 October at the Jewish Community Centre London (JW3) [UK]
Event at CRIF France (in French), Paris [France]
Alexis Chapelan and Laura Ascone, presentation “Combattre l’antisémitisme après le 7 octobre.” 2-hour conference with representatives from academia and civil society.
Event at the British Parliament, London [UK]
Matthias J. Becker, Matthew Bolton, and Karolina Placzynta, presentation of Discourse Report 6, with the All Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism (organised by the Antisemitism Policy Trust and hosted by Andrew Percy MP).
Conference “Decoding Antisemitism: Impulse zur Bekämpfung von Antisemitismus online” (in German), Technische Universität Berlin [Germany]
In dialogue with cooperation partners from the field, this conference will offer practical examples of how to address and combat antisemitism online. The event aims to bridge the gap between research and civil society, and to provide a framework for exchange between scientific, educational and civil society actors in the prevention and education work against antisemitism online.
Talk at Freie Universität Berlin [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker, presentation “Antisemitismus nach dem 7. Oktober – Ergebnisse aus der Social Media-Forschung” (organised by Prof. Barbara Pfetsch, Division Communication Theory and Media Effects).
Workshop in the context of the travelling exhibition “Humans of the Holocaust,” Bamberg [Germany]
Pia Haupeltshofer and Victor Tschiskale: Workshop on post-Shoah and Israel-related antisemitism.
Association for Jewish Studies 55th annual conference, San Francisco [USA]
Alexis Chapelan: “Manufacturing counter-history. The revival of the antisemitic conspiracy theory of Hitler’s Jewish origins, from the fringes to the mainstream.”
Workshop: Preventing antisemitism in schools, Magdeburg [Germany]
Pia Haupeltshofer, “Identifying antisemitism in social media.”
Educational Sessions with Holocaust Educational Trust
Karolina Placzynta: The Decoding Antisemitism project and its analysis of the Hamas terrorist attacks on the 7th october.
The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists International Conference
Matthias J. Becker: “Online antisemitism in international contexts and ways to track it.”
Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism & Policy (ISGAP) webinar series: Understanding and Fighting the Current Explosion of Antisemitism
Dr Matthias J. Becker, “Decoding Antisemitism online after the October 7th Massacre.”
International Conference “Holocaust Distortion and Counter Strategies”, Topographie des Terrors, Berlin [Germany]
USC Shoah Foundation ‘Antisemitism Lecture Series’
Our Autumn Workshop Series – Workshop 7: Educational strategies for online hate speech awareness, prevention and reaction
Speakers: Özen Odağ (Touro College Berlin & RESPOND! Project, Germany), Malte Holler (Bildung im Widerspruch, Germany) & Miško Stanišić (Terraforming & ENCATE Network, Serbia).
Our Autumn Workshop Series – Workshop 6: Automated detection of online hate speech
Speakers: Helena Mihaljević (HTW Berlin & Decoding Antisemitism, ZfA at TU Berlin, Germany), Julia Mendelsohn (University of Michigan School of Information, USA) & Savvas Zannettou (University of Delft, Netherlands & Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany).
Online event: “When science and technology meet society – AI and Antisemism,” Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM)
Matthias J. Becker: “An Interdisciplinary Identification of Online Antisemitism: The ‘Decoding Antisemitism’ Research Project.”
Our Autumn Workshop Series – Workshop 5: Multimodal analysis of online hate speech
Speakers: Janina Wildfeuer (University of Groningen, Netherlands), Dimitris Serafis (University of Groningen, Germany), Marcus Scheiber (Decoding Antisemitism, ZfA at TU Berlin, Germany) & Inari Sakki (University of Helsinki, Finland).
Our Autumn Workshop Series – Workshop 4: Normalisation of hate speech in online spaces
Speakers: Susan Benesch (Harvard University & Dangerous Speech Project, USA), Joe Mulhall (Hope not Hate, UK) & Murilo Henrique Cambruzzi (Observatory on Antisemitism, Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea, Italy).
“Den Holocaust verharmlosen: Antisemitismus in den sozialen Medien,” Topographie des Terrors, Berlin [Germany]
Vortrag von Matthias J. Becker & Marcus Scheiber, Moderation: Juliane Wetzel (ZfA).
3. Fachkonferenz: “Im toten Winkel – Rechtsextreme auf alternativen und etablierten Plattformen,” Institute for Strategic Dialogue, Berlin [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker: “Antisemitismus und der „Mainstream“: Einblicke aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und Frankreich.”
6th ILLA Conference: Law, language and legal knowledge. Global processes and local practices, Jagiellonian University, Kraków [Poland]
Matthias J. Becker: “Patterns of antisemitic hate in politically moderate discourses.”
Our Autumn Workshop Series – Workshop 3: Quantitative and statistical analysis of online hate speech
Speakers: Daniel Miehling (Technical University Berlin, Germany), Julian Hargreaves (Woolf Institute, UK) & Stefan Munnes (The WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany).
Our Autumn Workshop Series – Workshop 2: Discourse analytical approaches to online hate speech. What is its social impact?
Speakers: Benno Herzog (University of Valencia, Spain), Monika Kopytowska (University of Łódź, Poland) & Johannes Angermuller (Open University, UK).
ECPR General Conference 2023, Charles University, Prague [Czech Republic]
Our Autumn Workshop Series – Workshop 1: Qualitative analyses of online hate speech and the challenge of grey areas of meaning
Speakers: Joachim Scharloth (Waseda University, Japan), Victoria Guillén Nieto (University of Alicante, Spain) & Matthias J. Becker (Decoding Antisemitism, ZfA at TU Berlin, Germany).
Summer school “Antisemitism and Xenophobia in the Baltic Sea Region,” Kulice [Poland]
DNC5ALED: Discourses and their impacts on a world of multiple crises, Valencia [Spain]
Conference organised by Johannes Angermuller, The Open University [UK].
Karolina Placzynta/Matthias J. Becker: “Decoding Antisemitism in European Online Discourses: Similarities and Differences in the Reproduction of Stereotypes in German, French and British Mainstream Debates on the Internet.”
Alexis Chapelan: “Deviant communities” online? Articulating and negotiating support for antisemitic public figures on social media. The case of Dieudonné and Alain Soral’s social media ban in 2020.″
Coalition to Counter Online Antisemitism (CCOA) Country Call Germany, Berlin [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker gives a presentation of the Decoding Antisemitism project.
Second Summit – Interparliamentary Task Force to Combat Online Antisemitism, Brussels [Belgium]
Matthias J. Becker in the role of an advisor.
Online Research Colloquium at the Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker gives a presentation of the Decoding Antisemitism project.
Research Colloquium at Moses Mendelssohn Centre at the University of Potsdam [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker gives a presentation of the Decoding Antisemitism project.
Fifth Annual Conference “AI, Big Data, Social Media, and People on the Move,” Berlin [Germany]
Conference organised by the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society.
Matthias J. Becker and Helena Mihaljević take part in session 7: “The long arm of data: Anti-semitism and movements of people, objects, and terms.”
5th International Conference on European Studies, Zurich [Switzerland]
Alexis Chapelan: “Wasn’t he though?” A corpus analysis of French and British social media users’ endorsement of the myth of Hitler’s Jewish origins.
EU-IL High-Level Seminar on combating racism, xenophobia and antisemitism, Jerusalem [Israel]
Matthias J. Becker: Presentation of the project.
Online DiscourseNet seminar: Discursive approaches in human sciences, Paris [France]
Laura Ascone: Presentation of the project (“Analyse discursive de contenus antisémites sur le web”).
“New Directions in Antisemitism Research” workshop, Oslo [Norway]
Event organised by Johannes Due Enstad (Senior Researcher, Institute for Social Research, University of Oslo).
Matthias J. Becker: Presentation of the project.
Decoding Antisemitism on social media: Kanye West, Qatar and the promise of AI
Online event in cooperation with the London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, 7pm (CET).
From Dieudonné to Kanye West, changes and continuities in the digital ecosystems of antisemitism
Community Event “Delete Cache – Was Zivilgesellschaft und Tech für ein Netz ohne Hass tun können,” @bUm Berlin [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker: Workshop “Decoding Antisemitism: Judenfeindschaft im Online-Mainstream erkennen” (11 May, 2 pm CET).
Workshop for influencers at the Tel Aviv Institute, Tel Aviv [Israel]
Detecting Hate: Berlin impulses in the research of digital hate [Germany]
Kick-off Event Drudel e.V., Jena [Germany]
“deras_on” – new project on deradicalisation of extremists, in close cooperation with the Decoding Antisemitism Team.
Alexis Chapelan will presend a lecture on “Antisemitism in the digital age. A few lessons from studying online antisemitism.”
Actions Matter – The International Antisemitism Summit, Berlin [Germany]
DiscourseNet Seminars – monthly online seminar in Discourse Studies, London [UK]
Fachdialog-Reihe „Radikalisierungsprävention im Internet“ der Arbeitsgruppe “Prävention: Internet und Soziale Medien”, Hamburger Behördenkompetenznetzwerk Rechtsextremismus
Expert dialog series on the topic of “Preventing Radicalisation on the Internet” (Working Group “Prevention: Internet and Social Media”) Hamburg Authority Competence Network on Right-Wing Extremism.
Marcus Scheiber will present explicit and implicit forms of antisemitism online as well as current approaches to identify and measure the phenomenon.
World Zionist Organization, Department of Combating Antisemitism and Enhancing Resilience: “Antisemitism—Things That Are Not Talked About”
The Digital Research Data and Human Sciences (DRDHum) conference at the University of Jyväskylä [Finland]
Laura Ascone, Karolina Placzynta, and Hagen Troschke “Antisemitic hate speech in social media comments. Interdisciplinary mixed-methods corpus studies.”
Jews Talk Justice Lab, The Tel Aviv Institute, Toronto, & Jewish Communities in Canada
European Commission, Civil Society Forum on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life, Brussels [Belgium]
Lecture “Can hate be quantified?” Mannheim; in German [Germany]
Following the conference “Antisemitism in the Social Web,” the evening lecture held by Marcus Scheiber will examine new trends in online antisemitism, such as platform migration and the power of algorithms.
Lecture “Polish-German-Jewish relations in contemporary media: narratives and stereotypes,” University of Szczecin; in Polish [Poland]
Karolina Placzynta will held the lecture covering the media portrayal of the relations between the Polish, German and Jewish communities, through the analysis of contemporary examples of discourse. The lecture is a part of a series on Jewish life in the region.
Presentation of the 4th Discourse Report at the Wiener Holocaust Library, London [UK]
Event at the Wiener Holocaust Library, 6.30pm local time // Matthew Bolton and Karolina Placzynta: Presentation of the project’s 4th Discourse Report.
Jews Talk Justice Lab, The Tel Aviv Institute, Los Angeles [USA]
Lecture: Gabriel Weimann “New Trends in Online Antisemitism” at Einstein Center, Berlin [Germany]
Following our conference “Hate Speech on the Internet – Identifying Digital Antisemitism,” the evening lecture of Prof Weimann will examine new trends in online antisemitism, such as platform migration and the power of algorithms.
Hate Speech – an Interdisciplinary Approach. An international workshop at TU Berlin, ZfA [Germany]
In collaboration with Adv. Ido Rosenzweig (The Minerva Centre for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions, University of Haifa, Israel) and Prof. Martin Emmer (Institute for Media and Communication Studies, FU Berlin; Weizenbaum Institute Berlin), both of whom are members of our project’s Advisory Board.
Conference “Hate Speech on the Internet – Identifying Digital Antisemitism” (in German), Einstein Center Digital Future Berlin [Germany]
The conference will focus on current forms of antisemitism in social media. Experts from various fields of research will address the topic from different perspectives and shed light on current manifestations and trends.
Conference “Social Media and Politics in the Field of Hate and Agitation,” FH Meißen; in German [Germany]
Marcus Scheiber: “Hate Speech – Hate and incitement on the net as a challenge of our digitalised world.”
Symposium “Digital Hate” Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin [Germany]
Matthias J. Becker: “Decoding Antisemitism.”
13th Francoromanists Conference, Vienna; in French [Austria]
Alexis Chapelan presents the paper “L’antisémitisme comme « victimisation performative » dans les discours anti-Pass Sanitaire: analyse des modalités de construction d’un récit victimaire dans les commentaires des internautes sur les réseaux sociaux.”
Summer school “Current Dynamics and Challenges of Anti-Semitism” at TU Berlin [in German]
Matthias J. Becker & Jan Krasni: “Decoding Antisemitism.” Recognising implicit forms of antisemitism.
London Centre for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism conference: 21st Century Antisemitism
Matthew Bolton & Matthias J. Becker “The Decoding Antisemitism Project – Reflections, Methods and Goals.”
Summer school “Antisemitism and Xenophobia in the Baltic Sea Region” in Kulice, Poland
Our colleague Karolina Placzynta will take part in this event that is co-organised by the University of Szczecin, International Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies; Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO) at the University of Greifswald; Lund University.
Two guest lectures on contemporary antisemitism, xenophobia, and anti-Islamic ideologies in media and social media, and Fake news, conspiracy theories and far-right extremist propaganda.
Tel Aviv Institute Summer School Tel Aviv, Israel [in English]
Lecture by Matthias J. Becker: “Antisemitism: In Secret Code.”
Training event for state attorneys in Neumünster, Germany
Jan Krasni: Hate speech online: Definitions, findings, and the current state of research. Perspectives from Linguistics and Media Studies [in German].
ISGAP – Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Antisemitism Studies
Matthias J. Becker & Matthew Bolton “The Decoding Antisemitism Project – Reflections, Methods and Goals.”
ISGAP – Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity Revisited, at the University of Cambridge, UK
Matthias J. Becker & Matthew Bolton “The Decoding Antisemitism Project – Reflections, Methods and Goals.”
International Conference on Online Hate Speech, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal
Matthias J. Becker: Presentation of the Annotation Process within the Decoding Antisemitism Project.
COMMUNITY EVENT 2022 – stark vernet(t)zt
Workshop with Marcus Scheiber (TU Berlin) und Hendrik Bitzmann (BAG “Gegen Hass im Netz”): Wie erkennen wir Antisemitismus im Netz?
“OBJEKTIV BEGRIFFEN, SUBJEKTIV BETROFFEN: Zum Verhältnis von Kategorien und Wahrnehmung bei Antisemitismus und Rassismus” 20. & 21. Juni 2022 Universität Leipzig.
PODIUM: Soziale Medien als Verstärker von empörten Debatten und der Einfluss auf die politische Bildung.”
Stephan Anpalagan, Journalist, Essen
Matthias J. Becker, Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung, Technische Universität Berlin
Eva Berendsen, Bildungsstätte Anne Frank, Frankfurt/Main.
The Diverse Approaches to Hate Speech: Debates, Challenges, and Controversies conference in Paris, France
Laura Ascone “A guideline for decoding the different levels of antisemitic hate speech.”
Birkbeck Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, University of London
Matthias J. Becker “The Decoding Antisemitism Project – Reflections, Methods and Goals.”