TLVi x Decoding Antisemitism
The Tel Aviv Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organisation and a multidisciplinary laboratory that promotes innovative approaches to combatting antisemitism, with an emphasis on social media and data-driven strategies.
Meldestelle Respect x Decoding Antisemitism
The “Meldestelle REspect!” (REspect! – The Reporting Office for Hate Speech on the Net) of the Youth Foundation Baden-Württemberg is an online hub for reporting and documenting hate incidents occurring in cyberspace.
Drudel 11 x Decoding Antisemitism
Drudel 11 e. V. is a recognised youth welfare organisation, focusing on showing young people new perspectives, as well as encouraging and accompanying them in discovering their strengths.
The European Observatory of Online Hate & Textgain x Decoding Antisemitism
The European Observatory of Online Hate (EOOH) is a network of civil society, law enforcement and academic partners that seek to understand and mitigate online discord and promote resilience to hostile propaganda.
RESPOND! x Decoding Antisemitism
RESPOND! Nein zu Judenhass im Netz! is a four-year collaborative project led by the Jewish-American Touro University Berlin.
Terraforming x Decoding Antisemitism
Terraforming is dedicated to improving the teaching and learning about the Holocaust and strengthening memory culture, combating antisemitism, antigypsyism, and all forms of xenophobia while debunking bias, myths, prejudice, and stereotypes.
European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism x Decoding Antisemitism
We are happy to announce a cooperation with the European Practitioners Network Against Antisemitism. More information coming soon…