
In English
In French
In German

In English

Deepfakes: Antisemitism’s new calling card is hiding in plain sight (Matthias J. Becker and Ron Katz)

‘Decoding Antisemitism’ Research Project (by Matthew Bolton)

Family firm with Nazi past funds effort to use AI to detect online anti-Semitism

Artificial intelligence to spot coded antisemitism (with Daniel Allington)

Scientists to fight anti-Semitism online with help of artificial intelligence

Scientists Combat Anti-Semitism With Artificial Intelligence (with Matthias J. Becker)

New Artificial Intelligence Tool to Combat Implicit Anti-Semitism Online (with Daniel Allington)

Scientists combat anti-Semitism with artificial intelligence (with Matthias J. Becker)

Alfred Landecker Foundation launches new ‘Decoding Antisemitism’ project to Stop Hate Online using Artificial Intelligence (with Daniel Allington and Matthias J. Becker)

‘Decoding anti-Semitism’ project trains AI to stop online hatred (with Matthias J. Becker and Daniel Allington)

Scientists Combat Anti-Semitism With Artificial Intelligence

Scientists adopt artificial intelligence to ‘Decode’, address ‘Implicit’ online anti-semitism

Scientists to fight anti-Semitism online with help of artificial intelligence (with Matthias J. Becker)

New project launched to detect online Jew-hate using AI

University team launches AI-driven approach to ‘decode’ online antisemitism (with Daniel Allington and Matthias J. Becker)

New project launched to detect online Jew-hate using artificial intelligence (with Daniel Allington and Matthias J. Becker)

Decoding Antisemitism: Stopping Hate Online with AI (with Matthias J. Becker)

Scientists to combat anti-Semitism with artificial intelligence (with Matthias J. Becker)

In French

Les scientifiques combattent l’antisémitisme grâce à l’intelligence artificielle

In German

Wanderausstellung „Humans of the Holocaust“ an Bamberger Schule

Antisemitismusforscher sind besorgt (with Matthias J. Becker)

Ein großes antisemitisches Echo (with Matthias J. Becker)

Hass im Netz – Lässt sich Antisemitismus automatisiert erkennen? (with Benjamin Fischer)

Antisemiten sind immer die anderen (with Matthias J. Becker)

Die Demokratie entscheidet sich im Internet

Mit künstlicher Intelligenz gegen Antisemitsmus (with Matthias J. Becker)

Antisemiten sind immer die anderen (with Matthias J. Becker)

Antisemitismus als Herausforderung für Algorithmen (by Hagen Troschke)

Hate Speech im Netz: Wenn Maschinen moderieren (with Matthias J. Becker)

Diese KI soll Antisemitismus im Netz aufspüren

Mit künstlicher Intelligenz gegen Antisemitismus im Netz

Decoding Antisemitism: KI soll gegen Antisemitismus im Netz vorgehen (with Matthias J. Becker)

Mit Künstlicher Intelligenz gegen Judenhass (with Matthias J. Becker)

Wie Antisemitismus mit künstlicher Intelligenz bekämpft werden soll (with Matthias J. Becker and Daniel Allington)

Künstliche Intelligenz soll Judenhass bekämpfen

In Spanish

Científicos se unen para combatir el antisemitismo en internet con intelegencia artificial (with Matthias J. Becker)


TU Berlin
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung (ZfA)
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 104–106, 10553 Berlin