

Marcus Scheiber

Marcus Scheiber is a linguist with research interest in social semiotics, corpus linguistics, critical discourse analysis and multimodality research. He started his academic career at the Universities of Heidelberg and Bern, and as a visiting researcher and lecturer at the University of Mumbai. He received his MA from the University of Heidelberg in 2018 with a thesis about internet memes. Since 2020, he has been pursuing a joint PhD project at the University of Vechta and University of Vienna entitled “The reality construction potential of multimodal communicative units in antisemitic communication”, examining internet memes as communication formats in antisemitic communication strategies.

In addition to his academic pursuits he was employed as a data analyst at Amazon, where he was responsible for the further development and improvement of Alexa through qualitative annotation and transcription of speech data.


TU Berlin
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung (ZfA)
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 104–106, 10553 Berlin