
Gabrielle Beacken

Veronika Bundzikova

Gabrielle Beacken

Veronika Bundzikova is a doctoral student at the Masaryk University in the Czech Republic. She graduated with honours in Security and Strategic Studies. Her research interests include the Central European far-right political and non-political actors. Since her bachelor’s thesis, she has been focusing on the research of antisemitism, especially its current online manifestations. She is experienced mainly with deploying qualitative methods for antisemitism research. Her doctoral thesis investigates how Slovak alternative media spread antisemitism in the country.
Veronika was one of the experts in the European Observatory of Online Hate. Currently, she is also participating in the Qinfo project at her university as a junior researcher.


TU Berlin
Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung (ZfA)
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 104–106, 10553 Berlin